YISS - Yongsan International School of Seoul

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HS Ossembly SEW Explores Abundance: Life to the Full

This year’s HS Special Emphasis Week centered on the theme of “Abundance: Life to the Full'' and considered what makes for a balanced life. A major new addition to this year’s high school’s Ossembly program has been the addition of a team of student leaders who help to facilitate games, activities, and lessons for their peers. 

Each day, a different set of students gave a presentation and facilitated activities that prompted their peers to explore a different dimension of well-being. We reimagined how our lives could be different by incorporating things like Abundant Rest, Abundant Play, and Abundant Creativity. Students and teachers alike could be heard laughing as they set aside time to play childhood games like duck, duck, goose, and make origami cranes, and friendship bracelets.  

We will continue exploring this theme throughout the third quarter in hopes that our community will be able to focus not just on living lives of academic excellence but also on holistic abundance in the various dimensions of well-being.