YISS Seniors Prepare for Final Year During Symposium

On Saturday, August 21, 2021, the High School Counseling Department hosted the Senior Symposium. This one-day-on-campus event was designed to get the Class of 2022 excited about their final year of high school while also recognizing the opportunities and impact they now have as seniors. The 70 seniors present began the day with team-bonding games and activities to promote class unity and relationship building. 

Seniors were also introduced to the concept of RAFT (Reconciliation, Affirmation, Farewell & Think Destination) which they will revisit throughout the school year as they transition from high school students to independent college students. They also had the opportunity to recognize every member of the senior class by writing notes of affirmation to one another. 

The seniors officially kicked off their college application season with a couple of activities designed to stimulate their thinking regarding the college application process. They played the "GPA Game," learning about potential factors that could increase or decrease their chances of admission. This game emphasizes how the interests and accomplishments students have outside of their GPA and standardized test scores play an important role in their admissions decisions. Seniors also took on the roles of admissions representatives by reading through four fictitious applications and evaluating whether to admit, deny, or waitlist the applicants.

On Monday, August 30, the Counseling Team presented the Senior Parent Timeline via Zoom. This was a meeting to primarily introduce the general process and timeline the Counseling Team will follow to support the application process of the Class of 2022. The Counseling Team is excited to work with and support seniors throughout every aspect of their senior year.


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