YISS - Yongsan International School of Seoul

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RAKtivists Fill the ES Halls with Kindness

From March 11-17, the elementary school participated in the Random Acts of Kindness campaign, inspired by the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation and created by the ES Counseling Team.

Throughout the event,counselors taught lessons on how to show kindness daily and why kindness matters. We also talked about the Golden Rule of treating others how you want to be treated. During the kickoff, each student was given a wristband to remind them to be kind. During the campaign, students could earn Kindness Koins when their teachers saw them doing a Random Act of Kindness. Also, each day, students could complete a RAK Kindness Challenge, such as leaving an encouraging message on a rock outside, and submit their photos to their counselor.

Building and promoting kindness as the norm is the best way to prevent bullying and negative behaviors in school, so the RAK campaign worked to establish those norms of being kind. While kindness sounds easy it can be hard to be kind in every situation, and it sometimes takes courage to be kind. This event helped students practice being kind to their peers, teachers, parents, and their community so that we can stop bullying in its tracks and ultimately build a kinder school, community, and world.